Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Michigan Marihuana Lawyer - OUTLINING Deferral/Diversion Statutes, Generally - Josh Jones - 7/17/2013

1. Domestic Violence Cases, MCL 769.4a

2. Controlled Substance Cases MCL 333.7411 “7411″

3. Delayed Sentencing MCL 771.1

4. Holmes Youthful Trainee Act (HYTA) MCL 762.11

5. Minor in Possession of Alcohol MCL 436.1703 (3)


MCL 769.4a authorizes a court, without entering a judgment of guilt and with the consent of the accused and of the prosecuting attorney in consultation with the victim, to defer further proceedings in an assault and battery case when an individual who has not been convicted previously of an assaultive crime pleads guilty to, or is found guilty of, assault and battery under MCL 750.81 AND 81A. The victim of the assault must be the offender’s spouse or former spouse, an individual who has a child in common with the offender, an individual who has or has had a dating relationship with the offender, or an individual residing in the same household as the offender. THIS DEFERRAL can be utilized only if the accused has no prior assaultive conviction. For law enforcement purposes, although a judgment of guilt is not entered, the arrest and the disposition by utilization of the deferral statue will appear on the criminal record of the defendant.


Another deferral statue that may be available to a defendant is MCL 333.7411, “7411.” This law allows for an individual who has been charged with a non-major drug offense to walk away without a drug conviction after successful completion of the court’s sentence. Non-major drug offenses are usually simple possession of controlled substance offenses for marijuana, cocaine, heroin, or ecstasy. Major offenses not “7411″ eligible are offenses that involve delivery or manufacture of drugs, including possession with intent to deliver and maintaining a drug house.


This is not technically a deferral, although MCL 771.1 authorizes a court, without entering a judgment of guilt, to delay sentencing for no more than one year in all prosecutions for felonies, misdemeanors, or ordinance violations other than murder, treason, criminal sexual conduct in the first or third degree, armed robbery, or major controlled substances offenses. This deferral does not require the prior consent of the accused, the prosecutor, or the victim.


MCL 762.11, is another deferral law that has specific age restrictions. To receive HYTA consideration, a defendant must have committed the crime charged between the ages of 17 and 21. HYTA is not allowed for a number of offenses, including all offenses for which the penalty is life, all traffic offenses, and most criminal sexual conduct offenses. MCL 762.11 (2), (3). As with the other deferral statues, HYTA will allow for a non-public record of the offense. Additionally, you must satisfy all the sentence requirements of the court.


MCL 436.1703(3) authorizes a court, after fulfillment of the terms and conditions of probation, to discharge the defendant and dismiss the proceedings. To qualify for this deferral the defendant must not have been previously been convicted of or received a juvenile adjudication for being a minor who purchased or attempted to purchase alcoholic liquor, consumed or attempted to consume alcoholic liquor, possessed or attempted to possess alcoholic liquor, or had any bodily alcoholic content.
PLEASE DO NOT RELY upon any of the information contained in this article when trying to represent yourself. You should always consult with an attorney before relying upon any written advice, article, blog etc.

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