52nd District Court – 1st Division: Novi, Michigan
Have you been arrested? Are you being or have you been ordered to appear at the 52-1 District Court in Novi, Michigan for a crime, traffic violation or probation violation? Knowing the court that you have to appear in and deal with is critical for you and your case.
The court is comprised of five (5) divisions including:
Civil Division handles cases that involve money or damage claims, and landlord/tenant disputes.
Criminal Division processes paperwork from police departments, state law and ordinance prosecutors. Cases involve misdemeanor offenses, both traffic and non-traffic. The Court will also oversee the beginning process of all felonies committed within its jurisdiction.
Probation Division conducts pre-sentence investigations, alcohol assessments, probation supervision, and probation violation hearings.
Ticket Division deals with citations written by police departments.
The court will cover criminal or civil violations that occur in Commerce Township, Highland Township, Lyon Township, Milford Township, Novi, Novi Township, South Lyon, Village of Milford, Village of Wolverine Lake, Walled Lake, and Wixom.
This court has three (3) judges: Brian W. MacKenzie, Dennis N. Powers, and Robert Bondy; and a support staff of over fifty (50) full- and part-time employees working throughout its offices. These judges are tough but can be fair, and thus you need to make sure you obtain the proper representation when dealing with any court, such as the 52-1 District Court. The 52-1 has had numerous newsworthy cases walk through its doors, including the I-96 shooter.
The Speeding, Civil Infraction and Driver’s License/Plate Violation Fines for the court can be found here.
Make sure you obtain the right representation for your case—someone who takes the time to get to know your district court. Contact Josh Jones today and let him help you.