Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Importance of Initial Traffic Stop - Michigan Marihuana Lawyer, Josh Jones - July 23, 2013

Initial Traffic Stop - Importance
Not all individuals drive a motor vehicle, but it sure seems like it. With that said, many instances that involve Police Officers occur when an individual is driving on the roadways.  Police have a wide discretion when it comes to stopping a motor vehicle.
A Police Officer must have witnessed a traffic violation when making a traffic stop; this will continue to be effective when or if the officer has ulterior motives prior to making the stop. Therefore, once the police have a valid reason, such as a traffic violation, he or she is able to pursue his or her own investigation of the activities occurring inside that particular vehicle.
When looking at cases involving traffic stops, Defense Attorneys will start at the beginning. “Why was my client initially stopped or pulled over?” If the initial traffic stop is not valid, because there was no reason for pulling the vehicle over, then a crime that the police discovered after the stop may be precluded from being entered into evidence at trial. If this occurs the more serious crime that particular individual was facing could be dismissed.
With all of this said, it is important to know that police will be able to stop a vehicle for numerous or voluminous reasons. This rule of law is one of the first thought of by any Defense Attorney when he or she has a client that is charged with a crime that involved a motor vehicle.
PLEASE DO NOT RELY upon any of the information contained in this article when trying to represent yourself. You should always consult with an attorney before relying upon any written advice, article, blog etc.

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