Wednesday, July 24, 2013

44th District Court - Royal Oak, Michigan - Michigan Marihuana Lawyer, Josh Jones

44th District Court – Royal Oak, Michigan

The 44th district court is located at 400 East 11 Mile Rd, Royal Oak, MI. The court maintains two sitting judges: the Honorable Derek Meinecke (2013 - Present) and the Honorable Terrence H Brennan (1991 - Present).
The court has exclusive jurisdiction in all civil litigation up to $25,000, small claims, garnishment proceedings, evictions, and land contract and mortgage foreclosures.
In the criminal area, the court handles all arraignments, most misdemeanor cases, the setting and acceptance of bail, bench and jury trials, misdemeanor sentencing, and preliminary examinations in felony case. It also handles all traffic cases including parking, informal and formal hearings, and trials.
A schedule of traffic fines, costs and points can be found here. If you are simply looking to pay a traffic ticket or fine or have general inquires you may visit the Traffic Division during office hours, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday. The Traffic Division is located on the 1st floor of the Court Building.

It is imperative to know which court you must attend and which court you must deal with. The Law Office of Josh Jones understands the importance of knowing what you need to do, where you need to go, and how is your future going to be impacted.

We provide you with the best legal representation, so you are never lost, confused or worried. Contact us today so that we can begin to walk this path together. 

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